what's SeedoroHSeedoro storyDownloadLife with greenery
Name Kiyo (the handle name)
Hobby painting, photo, travel, jogging, yoga, Taijiquan (a traditional Chinese shadow boxing), handicraft, making stuffed toys, dressmaking and etc.
Occupation Web designer
Favorite word "Everything will turn out for the best.   Let's look at the bright side!"

I try to see the positive side of things, and my lifelong dreams of living in Egypt or publishing children's book "blackout", has come true .
Brief biography Working as an office clerk in an electronic manufacturer.
I was almost confined to bed with my limbs paralyzed because of a ski accident, took sick leave and 18 monthes of home treatment.
After I returned to work, underwent rehabilitation continued for several years.
Hard work caused atopic dermatitis from head to foot.
At that time, I found a recruitment advertising to unearth in Egypt at an archaeological excavation site as a volunteer for one year. As I felt I needed to change the circumstances and also Egypt is my most favorite place, I applied to the project, quit my job, and went to Egypt.
Atopic dermatitis was completely cured in Egypt.
When I came back to Japan, I applied to an illustration contest and won a prize, that made me decide to study art in London.  (It was also one of my dreams.)
And now I'm working as a web designer in Japan.
message The pain of sequelae of vertebrae cervicales damage killed me day and night.
I couldn't even sleep at night.

And when it was getting better after sevral years, atopic dermatitis swelled up to a red from head to foot.  What a awful days!  I wished I could die.

But one thing hang me on.
I didn't make anything that I could take pride to call "this is my own work".  

I still don't know how I can express what I have in my mind, but I hope my work can ease your pain and warm your heart.

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