What's SeedoroHSeedoro storyDownloadLife with greenery
Free download of desktop wallpapers.

ySeedoro blue versionz

sizeF 1280 x 1024
sizeF 1024 x 768
sizeF 800 x 600

ySeedoro orange versionz

sizeF 1280 x 1024
sizeF 1024 x 768
sizeF 800 x 600


yDownload instructionsz
  1. Choose an image and click the link which matches your screen resolution.
    A full size version of your desktop wallpaper will then appear in a new browser window.
  2. Click on the image with your right mouse button, and a "Windows menu" will pop-up.
  3. Click on "Set as Wallpaper."
yDownload instructions (with use of display property)z
  1. Choose an image and click the link which matches your screen resolution.
    A full size version of your desktop wallpaper will then appear in a new browser window.
  2. Click on the image with your right mouse button, and a " Windows menu" will pop-up.
  3. Right-click on the image and choose "Save Image As", choose a file name, add "jpg" and save the image to your desktop.
  4. From the "Start menu", go to Settings >> Control Panel >> Display >> Background (desktop for Windows XP).
    Then choose "Browse", "go to Desktop", open the jpg file and click "OK".
    Your Desktop Wallpaper will then appear on your desktop.

Machintosh (OS 8.5`9.0)
  1. Choose an image and click the link which matches your screen resolution.
    (To check the resolution, click on the Apple menu and select "Control Panel".)
    A full size version of your desktop wallpaper will then appear in a new browser window.
  2. Hold down "Ctrl", click the image and choose "Download Image to Disk".
    Save the image to your hard drive.   ("in System >> Appearance >>Desktop Pictures").
  3. From the Apple menu, select Control Panel >> Appearance.
  4. From the Desktop tab, click "Place Picture" and browse to your your wallpaper image.
    (If "Delete Picture" is shown instead of "Place Picture", click the delete.)
  5. Select "Position Automatically" from the Position pop-up menu and click "Set Desktop".
    Your Desktop Wallpaper will then appear on your desktop.

Machintosh (OS X)
  1. Choose an image and click the link which matches your screen resolution.
    (To check it, click on the Apple menu and select "System Preferences >> Displays".
    A full size version of your desktop wallpaper will then appear in a new browser window.
  2. Hold down "Ctrl", click the image and choose "Save Image to the Desktop".
  3. Hold down "Ctrl" and click on your desktop at the same time.
  4. Choose "Change Desktop Background" and click on the Desktop tab in the Desktop & Screensaver pop-up menu.
  5. Select "Choose Folder >> Desktop" and navigate to the downloaded image.
    Then click "Choose (bottom right)" and close the Desktop & Screensaver menu.
    Your Desktop Wallpaper will then appear on your desktop.

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